Well, since it's Saturday, we made our weekly pilgrimage to the grocery store, Carrefour. As we walked into the entrance, what did we see? A Chocolate Party. Now, I'm not saying that all Tunisians 'get' me. But the folks at Carrefour have my number. I AM their demographic.
The Fete du Chocolat was right up at the front entrance and was a huge sale on chocolate candies and food.
So, DH and I stocked up. We no longer have to pay mini-bar prices for a chocolate bar when we've had a tough day. Now, we just reach into our bag of goodies and help ourselves to some chocolately goodness.
--Sandee Wagner
YUM, Sandee! You know I would have sent you a box, but I doubt if my chockos could compete--even if they did arrive in a melted ball of goo. Enjoy!
Yup, Magolla, if they arrived at all (which is questionable since a lot of stuff disappears in customs) it would not have been pretty. But I'm feeling better now that I have my own fix. Umm. Ferrero Rocher. spw
Good shopping job, Sandee. Chocolate makes everything better.
Aw, Margaret, yours would be great even if she had to lick the melted goo from the wrappers.
We used to get these cookies from Australia -- a friend sent them -- but if she wrote "TimTams" on the customs forms, they never arrived. Ours usually were identified as "books" or "papers."
I know! And the only thing better than chocolate is chocolate with nuts...
I'm going to have to give thought to what to put on customs papers to get stuff through... there's a double-edged sword there. If they DO open it and you've lied... spw
A wall of chocolate! Yes! Nothing says comfy like chocolate.
Thanks for sharing part of your world.
Meg, aka Twisted Sister,
There is NOTHING wrong with a wall of chocolate, is there?? It is comfort food. And I'm a stress eater. It's going to be hard to keep an eye on my waistline, that's for sure. spw
The chocolate is completely different over here. All the sweets are. They don't use high fructose corn syrup to sweeten anything. It's all done with honey or real sugar. Most of the sugar is whole/raw/undyed. Everyone says you can really taste the difference in sodas, but I don't have a very discerning palate. spw
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