I read all the books.
First, because of the buzz. Not because I had an age appropriate child in the house. So many people were talking about them, and plenty of the folks in South Texas were saying it was all about witchcraft so they wouldn't let their kids read it.
Whenever someone says a book written for kids will rot their brains, I always want to see if I agree. I think kids need to read, just for reading's sake. It doesn't really matter what they read, just THAT they read. But I digress.
So I read the books. And I found them charming. Nothing to ruin a perfectly well brought up Christian child, just a rollicking good tale where I found myself rooting for the hero. By like any really good book, it built a fan base. And those fans have opinions. They announced the movie would be made.
So I saw the movie. Was it the book? No. Was it a good movie? Yes.

At this point, there were probably four of the series in print and I was like everyone else--standing in line for the next installment. JK Rowling made money off me too.
Each successive book became longer and more intricate and each movie had more and more territory to cover. People became more dismissive of the movies and pounded the books saying they were superior.
People complained when the Dumbledore character from the first few movies changed. The actor died, and people complained that he had to be recast. Personally, I think
Michael Gambon did a fine job as Dumbledore.
What I never understood was the filmakers need to remove Voldemort's nose. I understand it made him appear 'snakelike' and more evil but that left me cold. Really? Noseless?
I have friends who feel like the story arc was 'rushed' somewhat and the Harry Potter with Dumbledore scenes were more deus ex machina than plot possibility. I understand the need for the mentor dying so the protagonist can stand on his own and fight the fight. But bringing back Dumbledore as advisor is a lot like having Obi Wan talk to Luke in his head. It takes a little getting used to.

The final installment in the story had to be broken into two movies. With the heft of that volume, it doesn't surprise me at all. Shoot, they made the Lord of the Rings into three movies and no one whined about that.
Here's what I think: the books were great. The movies were exceptional. They weren't the books by any stretch of the imagination and you did lose something, but they were good movies. The actors grew up making those movies and they did a great job growing up as characters on screen. The special effects were phenomenal and more and more intricate as the movies got darker and had more evil at play.
The final denouement between Harry and Voldemort was good. The last battle was big and all encompassing. There were unexpected heroes and heroines. I didn't cry, but I have friends who did.
I also like the 'years later' epilogue portion of the movie. I like knowing that Hogwarts would be rebuilt and that life will go on. They fought the good fight and now they get to have normal lives. We Muggles just get to peek through the window into their world.
I wonder what JK Rowling is doing now? Is she writing another book? I expect she never has to work another day in her life, but I have to report that I like the way her mind works. I hope she's got something else on the fire. It will give me something to look forward to.
--Sandee Wagner
I remember when one of the first HP movies came out that we had to explain certain things to Daddy on the way home--because they either weren't addressed in the movie or because the movie didn't make sense. I remember being upset that the adaptation was so confusing.
All in all, I agree; the book are excellent and the movies were good, but a different beast.
Books are different, richer and more depth. But the visuals that the movie provided were stunning. I like them both, but for different things. I'm glad I read the books before seeing the movies... especially the later ones. spw
Guess you haven't signed up for Pottermore like I did. :-)
My sister is a librarian and refused to read the books when she realized Harry was locked in the closet--I told her she was being narrow-minded. She still hasn't read them and I think she's missing the point of what JKR did--she got an entire generation to start reading.
Not being a movie person, I always think the books are better (with a few exceptions -- LA Confidential the book was a struggle, while the movie was great).
My biggest quibble with the movies is that they're so dark -- not the storyline, but visually. Somewhere around the third or fourth one, there were so many shadowy scenes, and I'm a very light-needy person.
I heard quite a while back that JKR was working on a new project, but all she would say at the time was that it was different from HP.
Am I the only one in the world who wanted Harry to wind up with Luna??
I don't even know what pottermore is, but I'll check it out.
I hate to think any librarian refused to read these books. That boggles the mind. You'd think at the very least, she'd want to see what the buzz was about. spw
You and DH would get along great. That is his biggest complaint about the movies, Harry Potter and others. The darkness is overused to set the scary stage... and it makes it hard to see, whether in a big, dark theater, or home in a darkened movie viewing room.
I only gave a momentary thought of Harry with Luna. I always thought he'd end up with the Asian girl with the Scottish accent! Isn't that the one he pined over for a whole book?
Did you like who Luna ended up with?? spw
I need to actually SEE what's going on to enjoy a movie. I'm not a sitting-in-dim-lighting person, which is probably why I rarely go to a theater.
I thought Luna and what's-his-name -- my books are in the house and my brain's blank -- were kind of an obvious way to go -- two odd ducks winding up together. It would have been unexpected for Harry, who was about the only guy who really treated Luna with respect, to hook up with her.
Maybe we should write some fan fiction and fix up the Hogwarts kids!!
I don't mind seeing Luna end up with Nigel because he turned out to be a HERO! And she was rescued by Harry in the last movie, so that was okay. She did get through to him and help him solve the puzzle... but they've been setting him up with Jenny since the second book... when she had the diary.
Also, I think Harry fell in love with the whole family... he wanted to be a part of them as a family, so it made sense that he'd fall for the hot redhead. spw
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