Chunking Things

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


About nine o'clock last night, I got a call from a good friend. He and his son were on a road trip and were going to be passing through town. Could they stop and spend the night with me? Sure. No problem. What time would they arrive? They thought they'd hit Tulsa at about two in the morning.

Excuse me? 2:00 AM??

Yes, that was the estimated time of arrival. So, I told them okay, the beds would be made up and the porch light would be on. I can't guarantee to wake up, so could they call from the drive way? I'm pretty sure the phone will get me out of bed.

They actually arrived at one o'clock in the morning. I pointed them at their beds, turned out the lights and fell back asleep. This morning, we had breakfast together and then they left on their way to the next stop on their roadtrip.

I'm actually glad that I'm one of the kinds of friends that you can drop in on in the wee hours of the morning. I'm pleased that he knows that, as a very good friend of the family, he's welcome any time.

I make the offer to people all the time. "Come by, any time! We'd love to see you." I'm just seldom actually taken up on the offer. I've always been open to saving someone the cost of a hotel room. If they don't complain about the accommodations, I won't complain about the tenants. And everyone I know who's done a lot of traveling appreciates a real bed and a home cooked meal once in a while.

I was raised in a home where space could always be made for friends, or friends of friends and acquaintances. I'm glad that's the kind of place I keep now.

--Sandee Wagner


Susan said...

Love your open arms home, Sandee. My mom was like that. My sister is like that. But I'm not a great housekeeper, so I've always been a little hesitant about people dropping in.
Then a friend in Pryor said, "I tell people, 'if you're coming to see me, drop in any time. If you're coming to see my house, make an appointment.'"
Love her philosophy.

Unknown said...


My folks were great about houseguests. You could tell people driving across country that they could stop and stay there and my folks would let them, no questions asked.

I'm not much of a housekeeper myself, but most folks trying to save on hotels don't complain!! spw