Chunking Things

Thursday, August 29, 2013

CrossFit Day 107

Since I use this blog as a platform to talk about whatever interests me, I've mentioned before that I took up CrossFit a few months ago.

My son had tremendous success at his box in NC and recommended it.  I spurred DH to join and he went for a full month before I finally gave it a try.  I started the week after Thanksgiving 2012.  Now, I go four days a week.

There are all kinds of Facebook pages and blog sites devoted to individual fitness journeys.  They encourage everyone to take before and after pictures and to celebrate each personal record.  I have not posted on any of these sites, or written any kind of testimonial.

Mostly, because I'm still fat.

I don't look all that much different than I did before.  I have not lost a significant amount of weight, or changed dress sizes.  What I have done is gotten way stronger.

Take today.  Today I flipped a huge honking truck tire clear across the parking lot.  For a warm up.  Just part of a warm up, really.

Those tires have been lining the fence since I started at CrossFit Quest.  I've been waiting to see what we did with them.  If they ever used them in the workouts before, it was on a rest day for me.

Today, I saw the tire flip on the board and just walked out to the parking lot and said, "how do I do this?"  My coach told me how to do it with correct form and how to avoid hurting my back.

Then I flipped the damn tire.  Clear across the parking lot.

CrossFit has made me stronger.  Seriously.

A few weeks ago, I went to the store to buy some potting soil.  I wanted to redo all my indoor pots, so I needed a lot.  I picked up two fifty pound bags, schlepped them into my cart, onto the checkout register, back into the cart, out to the car, into my station wagon, out of the car and into my back yard.  Then I realized what I had done.  A year ago, I would have paid more for three smaller bags just so I could lift them and get them where I wanted.  This year, I threw 50 lbs on my shoulder and carried it by myself.

I feel like a beast.  Certainly a grandma in beast mode.

The other day, one of the guys at the box told me he could see my arms were stronger.  I told him my potting soil story and he just high fived me.  I felt like I had won something.

I'll keep going to CrossFit.  Even when it hurts.  Even when it's too early and I stayed up too late.  I'll keep going to get stronger, fitter and more able to lift heavy things.  Because it's working.

Today was my 107th day to workout at CrossFit.  I'm seeing the return.

--  Sandee Wagner