Chunking Things

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Blown Away

Tornadoes touched down in Tulsa last night. I know because the civil defense sirens went off at 0450 and I sat bolt upright in bed. The electricity flashed at our house, but didn't go out. After about 10 minutes of the wailing klaxon, the wind whipped up, pounding rain rattled the windows and the worst of it blew past.

We drove across town to pick up a vehicle this afternoon, and we actually saw the path of the funnel. We saw buildings torn and shredded, fences and trees down and one house gone from its foundation. I've not heard of any loss of life, but in the big picture scheme of things, I think we got off pretty easy this time.

This is the nation's 'tornado alley' and it is the right time of year for storms.

We have an interior closet to use for sheltering in place. We keep our motorcycle helmets there, so they will be close and easy to don. Most people who get injured in tornadoes suffer from head trauma, so that's our best bet since we don't have a storm shelter, basement or safe room.

I'm thinking of other items I need to acquire and store in that closet. Maybe one of those crank style weather radios, and a battery operated lantern. Some comfy pillows and some reading materials. That way, when the air raid sirens go off again, I'll be prepared for the weather.

--Sandee Wagner


Craig C. Calvin said...

"Hello Spring!"

Unknown said...

You said that already, Craig. I need to just get used to it, hmm?

Craig C. Calvin said...

Not necessarily... I'm not sure they even have tornados in Algeria.