After five long months of waiting, our stuff finally arrived in Dubai. It really only took two months for the goods to transit, three months of that time it was sitting in storage while the company worked diligently to produce a one page letter stating that we didn't owe any taxes to Tunisia before they'd let our stuff ship out. That's right. We waited three months for a one page letter. I'm not sure who's in charge of that department, but I personally would like to make them suffer.
Today, the container arrived. The moving crew actually arrived about twenty minutes before the truck got here. The company told us they would arrive between 1300 and 1500 today. The crew arrived at 1245 and the truck was here at 1301. Nothing wrong with that time estimate!
The guys were all hard workers and got the entire container emptied by 1600. Two of the guys stayed inside that oven moving the stuff to the edge of the bed, while the others hustled it into the house and put it in the right rooms. The guys working inside the container had the worst end of the deal. At one point, a guy got dizzy and had to come inside and sit down in the cool air for a while. I slapped a ziplock bag full of ice onto the back of his neck to help him cool down a little. Other than that, we had no accidents or injuries.
Except my pot. Of course, you never know what all is broken until you've opened all the boxes. There could be more. But this extremely fragile pot had some kind of issue because the carton showed the crushing. I slit it open and found my mirror mosaic project pot one third smaller than expected. DH thinks he can piece it together and glue or plaster it from the inside of the pot. The outside is already broken, so it won't show--at least it shouldn't.
The crew will be back in the morning to help us assemble and place the larger furniture. Then we'll spend the rest of the week unpacking boxes and finding homes for all our stuff. It's a good feeling, feathering my nest.
--Sandee Wagner
At first I thought, "They broke her pot? She smuggled pot into Dubai?? LOL, then I looked at the picture and continued to read and realized you are still a stellar citizen. ;)
JD, you made me snort diet Coke out my nose with that one! It's a flower pot... that I worked hours on doing the mosaic. And it was just the FIRST of the many things broken or ruined by 5 months in transit. Oh well, we can always get more stuff. spw
Isn't it wonderful to finally HAVE stuff again? On our first Navy move, to South Carolina, the movers lost our HHG in transit. For weeks, we slept and sat on the floor, cooked with pots picked up at the dollar store . . . when they FINALLY got it delivered to us, I unpacked in a frenzy -- less than 24 hours -- and danced the baby kiddo around the furniture.
Bob came home with orders to Alabama the next day.
Oh, I hope that the damage is minimal!! I'm sure that Daddy can fix up your mirror pots as good as new :-D
How's the feathering coming?
Oh Marilyn,
I can't imagine the 'not knowing' while they tried to find your HHG. Crazy! Glad I missed that one. Of course, I've lived that 'unpack for a day and then get moved' scenario. spw
I'll post some more pictures with the settling in progress! spw
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