Dubai is a new NEW city. Folks around here talk about how the Emirates are just 'forty years out of the desert'. That means that the majority of this whole city is less than forty years old. Certainly the money to build all the magnificent edifices downtown and in the marina area is relatively new.
So, imagine the Dubai skyline compared to NYC or some other metropolis. Those cities have hundred(s) of years of buildings, so some are old, some are new, and the architecture spans decades at the least. In Dubai, all the building is fairly recent and most is modern architecture. I love modern architecture.
So, as I ride around the city, I enjoy looking at the tall buildings and how each architect tried to push the envelope to make his building stand out. My personal favorite is not complete yet.
The building is a tall square that has been twisted around as it rises up to its height. The picture cannot do it justice. Certainly not with my crappy little digital camera.
I would not want to wash those windows. The curve of the twist is gradual enough that it's all flat surfaces, and those windows open. I'm not sure if it's going to be office space or residences, but I'm guessing office space. No balconies and it's got a sea view.
I took these two pictures from the Le Meridien hotel grounds, looking back toward the Dubai Marina area. This building can also be seen from Sheik Zayed road. I've been watching the building's progress since my arrival in June.
In a city where there are lots of lovely, modern buildings, the eye will always light on those that are unique and distinct. Each new building project allows another opportunity for an architect to delight our senses.
--Sandee Wagner
I get a big kick out of modern buildings too--but I also find the intricate details of old buildings to be fascinating!
I don't think there is anything more impressive than some of the old detailing on buildings. When I see the crenelations and gargoyles on old places, I'm always in awe. They don't make them like that any more. spw
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