Well, we got the container on Sunday and began unpacking. The movers came back on Monday and gave us a full day assembling and unpacking. They also took away all the trash. At this point, all we could think was, "they're going to need a bigger truck!" We are collecting up more paper and boxes and they'll come back by to pick up the rest.
It's surprised how much you can get done with a group of people helping you. We got all the large furniture placed. We even shifted a few after changing our minds and the guys never complained. With them pulling stuff out of the packaging, all I had to do was find places for it. In the kitchen, it worked great. With the books and decorative stuff, not so much. We did have a bit of breakage, more than any other move, but I'm not complaining. I kept my camera out and took a picture of anything broken or damaged and the label off the box it came in. It should make it a little easier to file the claim with the moving company.
The next day, DH and I hit it pretty hard. We found places for the books and glassware and hung up organizers for the brooms and stuff. Today we began hanging curtains and putting out the knickknacks. It's beginning to look a lot like HOME!
I tried to take pictures of places where there were just stacks of boxes before so you could share my joy in the unpacking... but it's hard to imagine how good it feels to finally settle in.
Once again, my biggest issue is more books than bookcases. DH has spoiled me with lots of built ins wherever we've lived, and now, I have to buy furniture to take with me! I'm trying to be judicious and eliminate some of the tomes I no longer need, but it's hard to part with books that I love.
I figure a couple more days of hard work and we'll be done! I'll post some more pictures when it's all clean and tidy.
--Sandee Wagner
Built-ins are pretty awesome... I have a great plan for some in our bedroom but that's not going to happen any time soon :(
With how many books are in my attic, I'm surprised that you still need more room!
I have boxes I can't unpack. Need shelves. Thanks for storing that stuff for us! spw
I'm hoping that someday every single book I own or want to own will be on Kindle.
I love your crooked bookshelves from Tunisia. To quote my grandkiddo, "I NEED those."
So glad y'all are finally getting to make it feel like home. You should just go buy more book cases - of course that doesn't help with the addiction :)
I'm way too cheap to repurchase everything I've ever bought. What I was hoping for was a "you bought the hardback, send in the postcard and get the e-book for free!" type of deal. What are the chances? spw
You know I have a problem, a habit. I will admit it. I cannot possibly quit buying books. I'd need a twelve or thirteen step program for that!
The shelves are working out okay, but I still need more. Bert really spoiled me with built ins. spw
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