Chunking Things

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

It's Shark Week!

It's possible that you don't know what Shark Week refers to... if you live in a cave, or don't get basic cable.  Shark Week is a television celebration of all shark shows, shark attack movies and shark specials.  The channel will program a full week of just those shows.

This week of programming has become so popular that it even has its own drinking game.  I kid you not.

Shark Week is a product of the marketing and programming geniuses at The Discovery Channel.  And in my family, we love it.

My oldest grandson is obsessed by sharks.  He does a countdown waiting for Shark Week, which he watches with his dad.  I found these swimming goggles and I've been told that he keeps them on while they watch the programs.  Very fun.

During my latest visit to my other grands, I found out that grandson #2 is just as wild for sharks.  He insisted on swim trunks with sharks and his beach towel is festooned with the toothy creatures.  Once I learned that, I decided he needed some shark goggles too.

His parents promised him swim goggles when he graduated from his very first round of swim lessons.  I got to watch him at two classes and he loves the water.

I bought him these goggles and he's wearing them around the house.  I'm not sure he knows about Shark Week yet, but I'm sure it will be in his future.

I think the reason that Shark Week programming was adopted by The Discovery Channel is to protect sharks.  People always think when folks are informed, they will be less scared of a predator.  I'm not sure whether or not Shark Week has helped with over fishing of the bigger sharks, but I do know that it has engaged the minds of youngsters and is killing the brain cells of college kids.

--  Sandee Wagner

1 comment:

Zack and Kimmee said...

FUN! morning, noon, night!
ZJ wakes up, gets dressed and watches a show (or part of one) while I make breakfast... on the weekend he's glued, and in the evenings before dinner and after - more SHARKS!