Chunking Things

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

No Code, No How

I have happened on a very frustrating issue while living in Dubai. It's not something I would have ever imagined, so it caught me unawares.

In Dubai, they do not deliver mail to houses. Not at all. No home mail delivery. On the one hand, no junk mail. So, bonus. On the other hand, no zip code.

That's right. No mailing code, no zip code. None.

Imagine if you will, pulling up to a pay at the pump gas station and sliding your card through the slot... it asks for the zip code to authorize against. What do you enter? Will I have to give a bogus five digit code to my bank and BEG them to assign it to me so my card will work in that instance? Right now, I can't pay at the pump at all. The minute that comes up, I schlep inside and hand my card to the attendant who assures me it happens to all the cards.

Because, I can promise you, nothing is set up to NOT have a zip code. I've tried to change my address online at my bank and insurance company websites. Guess what I can't do? I can't save an international address without a freakin' mailing code.

I even tried 12345, 00000, 00001, and 11111. Apparently, the web developers see that coming and don't let you do it. But what are they validating an UAE address against? If there are NO mailing codes assigned in this country, shouldn't they know that?

The most frustrating part of this is that we have been assigned a US based mailing address by the company. Once a week, they will forward our mail to us. So anyone can mail us a letter and only pay US postage. Kind of like an APO address for a military person, only sponsored by the very generous company. So I have a valid mailing address that includes a zip code. But then all the forms want a physical address too. And that's where I hit the wall.

I'm not sure how to resolve this issue. I guess I either need to become a mad hacker, or just write letters to everyone and make THEM change my address. Of course, I'll have to pay international postage to get my point across.

--Sandee Wagner


MAGolla said...

One of my online Farmville friends is from Abu Dabai (sp?), anyhoo, he says that you can purchase gas cards to use at the pump, usually with a limited amount on them. Ask the cashier the next time you need gas.

Emmylee said...

That sux... I had issues with my address before Craig and I moved in together--apparently, half-addresses are difficult to comprehend. 134 1/2 NW 17th :o)

Unknown said...


The idea is NOT to go into the convenience store at all. I'm not worried about pre-paying, because the transactions are working currently. When I'm going to have trouble is when I actually change my address with BOK and I no longer have a zip code to authorize. I can always get cash at the ATM and pay cash for gas. spw

Unknown said...


I remember the 1/2 address. Most duplexes go for A and B, not halves. In the words of Roseanne Rosannadanna (, "it's always something". spw

Emmylee said...

LOL, we had the letters too... it's because the building I was in used to be the garages for the big building in front--so it was the same address, but not the same building. Of course, our numbers were out of whack too--I was at the end in unit B, then A, C, D, F. No E, and A was upstairs.

MAGolla said...

Actually, the pre-purchased gas card is used AT the pump.