Chunking Things

Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Delicate Flower of Nature

When I was a kid, my dad used to refer to himself as "a delicate flower of nature" whenever he got a sunburn or hurt himself in any way.  It was tongue in cheek, of course, because he was a big, tough Marine.  But I've adopted that phrase and said it for years.

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, I proved it true to my family.  I cut myself on a marshmallow.

That's right.  Let that one settle in for a while.

I CUT myself on a marshmallow.  Opened up my skin and bled.

It takes a little setup, so, here's how this works.  First, my DIL made a wonderful holiday meal complete with sweet potatoes topped with marshmallows.  Now, full disclosure, I love a sweet potato but when you smear marshmallows on it, it kind of ruins it for me.  I like them a lot of ways, but not with the traditional marshmallow topping.  But everyone else loves that!  They were cleaned out.

And that's where the harm to my delicate nature came in.  I did the dishes.  I washed up since someone else was doing all the cooking (Yeah!).  When I reached my hand down into the soapy water the casserole dish was soaking it, I ran a sponge around the crusted on, melted sugar that is marshmallow topping and cut myself on a shard of glass-like leftovers.

When you explain that the marshmallows were melted into sheets of molten glass around the edges of the dish, it's not as impressive as when you say, "I cut myself on a marshmallow".

But that's the kind of delicate flower of nature I am.

--  Sandee Wagner


alexa said...

This cracks me up! Sorry you cut yourself though :D

Unknown said...

Laughing at my pain. Welcome to the family, Lexi. You fit right in! spw

Emmylee said...

"I cut myself on a marshmallow" is highly deserving in the family mockery department!!!

Unknown said...

Yeah... this one's definitely going down in history. Though, I can't honestly say I believe you bled. Did anyone witness?!?

Marilyn said...

The blood washed off in the dishwater, Zack.

I believe you, Sandee, and I won't mock you.

Gonna go put my bubble-wrap suit on so I can make it safely from one chair to another without breaking anything. :)