Chunking Things

Friday, March 12, 2010

Harry Reid is a Bad Person

I don't care about your politics.  I don't care whether or not you support nationalized health care.  It doesn't matter whether you are a card carrying Democrat or not, Harry Reid's latest antics are unsupportable.

Harry Reid's 69 year old wife and his 40 something daughter were rear ended by an eighteen wheeler yesterday and rushed to the hospital.  They are described as being in stable condition.  Where is Harry Reid?  Is he at his wife's bedside, holding her hand?  No, he left the hospital to go back to the congress and stump for the health care coverage plan.

His wife is laying in the hospital with a broken neck, a broken back and a broken nose.  His daughter has  who knows what other injuries.  And no one else in congress can carry his torch.  HE has to be there to fight the fight for passage of his legislation.

Guess what?  You have now undermined public opinion with your arrogant tactics, Harry Reid.  Shame on you.  You should sit at your wife's bedside and enjoy your very comprehensive medical coverage.  You should hold the hand of the woman who has supported you through thick and thin for the past fifty years.  There is no reason why you had to leave the side of your wife and daughter.

At the point where our congressmen lose their perspective on what's truly important in life, we, as voters, need to ship them home.  Harry Reid has lost his mind.  If I was his wife, I'd be calling for a lawyer, then a press conference.

--Sandee Wagner


Ashlynn Pearce said...

Woo-Hoo! Love this post. :D

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by Ash. I told my husband that one of the few 'dealbreakers' for our marriage was me, waking up in a hospital alone. If I've gotta be there, he needs to make time. I have a whole lot less respect for any man who leaves his wife's side to rush back to work. spw

Adam Davsko said...

Thumbs up!

Unknown said...


Thanks for stopping by. Appalling, isn't it? I want to strangle that man. His almost 70 year old wife alone in the hospital with a broken back and neck and he's off stumping for legislation. What a freaking loser. spw

Susan said...

How could he leave? When my sister was in a bad wreck, we stayed at the hospital around the clock. Amy was never alone. While she was in a coma and ICU, we stayed in the waiting room until the visiting moments, then took turns chasing around her teeter totter bed to hold a hand. After several weeks went by we let very close friends she'd known all her life stay with her part of the time but we were determined not let her wake up alone.
Harry Reid is an ASS.

Unknown said...


I could not agree more. He's a jerk for not staying with his wife. I hope she divorces him. He can sleep with his health care bill. spw

Unknown said...

If this is what it takes to show you Reid's lack of character or bad priorities, then so be it. I've thought he was a weasel for years based on his behaviors in the Senate, and this is just more consistency afaic.

Unknown said...

kf, thanks for stopping by. I'm not the most informed voter in the world. I think I pay attention to my local politicians, and then I hear what the media goes nuts about.

This makes me think badly about him as a HUMAN and as a husband. I don't really care about politics at this point... any man who would do this to his wife is suspect in my book. spw