Chunking Things

Monday, June 21, 2010

And Miles To Go...

Before I sleep.

I have always loved Robert Frost's poetry. I'm not a huge fan of all poetry--especially not the kind that doesn't rhyme--but I've always felt a connection to his words.

I wrote a paper about Frost in high school. We all had to pick a poet and do a research paper. I learned about his life and read all his poetry. At the time, I think I just picked his name off a list of acceptable poets. It was a lucky pick for me.

Each time I've had to make a major life decision, I've heard, "and I took the one less traveled" echo in my brain. There are many themes built into his poems, but loneliness and solitude are overarching.

Any writer wants his words to resonate with readers. For our words to pass on and affect later generations is the ultimate goal. I'm sure when Shakespeare was trying to write plays that enthralled the masses, he didn't underestimate the possibility that his plays would last beyond his death. He probably didn't envision hundreds of years, but I'm sure he hoped they'd linger.

Words do that.

They speak to people's feelings and deepest fears. Some times when the writing is going well, I have a glimpse of what it would be like to make someone react to what I'm saying. Not often, but sometimes, it seems like the words will linger on.

Life forces us to make decisions, take action and suffer changes. Throughout our existence, we are constantly pulled, tugged and thrown in different directions because of our choices, our fate and our actions. With change comes new experiences. And writers use those experiences to infuse their narrative with emotion and drama.

Based on my life's upheaval right now, I should be able to channel all kinds of emotions into my writing. I'm being tossed by stormy seas in my personal life. If only I could capture that feeling of being adrift. I'm sure some character would really come to life with the trauma.

When two roads diverge, you have to make a choice. I choose to embrace the change and learn from it. I choose to make my life valuable and to positively impact those around me. I choose to be optimistic and enthusiastic. No amount of complaining will alter my path. Sometimes, that's the road less traveled.

--Sandee Wagner


Emmylee said...

Okay... so take these feelings that you're experiencing at the moment and imagine them being experience by a lost and confused 22 year old girl.

You told me once that you were proud and impressed with me because you would never have had the courage to move to a big city all by yourself. While I don't necessarily consider OKC to be a "big city", I certainly think you have more courage and wisdom in your pinky toe than I had in my entire body at that point in time...

And here you are, preparing to move to a foreign country were the living conditions and the attitude toward women will probably be a learning experience--pppfffftttt, no courage, my ass.

Susan said...

What a sharp girl you are. I hear your mom in your words. (Don't know if I've met you. If I haven't, hi!
I have met the men in your family. Yummy! Sorry. I'm a romance writer. Have to keep my gaze sharp.)
Anyway, you're so right about your mom. She's amazing and I'm so glad I know her.
I think this experience will give new depth to her writing. Empathy. She'll have first hand experience with the way women are treated like 2nd hand citizens. Or what it's like to be so far away from female friends and support systems.
Whether her stories are set in Africa or Arkansas, past, present or future, on Earth or on Mars, she'll take us there.

Unknown said...


You have always been the best of me and your father. Always. Smart, kind and fearless.

I am so proud of you. I could not ask for a better gift than you for my daughter. The answer to all my prayers.

Thanks for thinking I'm brave, but I'm really a big coward. spw

Unknown said...


I sure hope I have the ability to channel these next few years' worth of experiences into making my writing better. Em is a treasure. If you haven't met her, I need to drag her to a meeting so you can. She's the most fun to hang with!!

I'm glad that no matter how far away I travel, I'm always going to be a few keystrokes away from good friends like you. spw

Emmylee said...

I'm glad you enjoy hanging out with me--I feel pretty dull most times...

And coward or not, you're still courageous: "Courage is the willingness to accept fear and act anyway (Unknown" and "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear (Ambrose Redmoon)."

So what is more powerful than your fear of change? My guess - Daddy.