Chunking Things

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Video Bloggers

Every once in a while, someone sends me a link, or posts a site on Facebook and I fall down a rabbit hole.

Today, my buddy Mike posted a funny video from YouTube by MrArturoTrejo called Interview with a 1 year old. It was hysterical. I watched more videos and found that I had lost HOURS watching these vlogs.

In one of them, he was complaining because his wife made him declutter and have a garage sale. She took the items that didn't sell to the thrift store. What made this whole thing funny is that another vlogger in the area saw the video and went out on a search for the lamp. Really. They found it.

Then, this couple delivered the lamp BACK to the original owners.

I don't know why this entertains me, but it does.

The internet has opened a wide window for all kinds of humor and views into daily life. I've spend the morning watch the Trejos, the Shaytards and then Ourlittleplanet. Just an all round extravaganza of interesting time wastage.

Even the music was entertaining. MrArturoTrejo uses music produced by his brother in law StephenJPresents. I clicked on several of his songs and he's done an amazing job on mixing some acapella pieces. I'm no musician, but his videos are pretty fun.

I find YouTube to be a fascinating site. But it sure sucks up a lot of time. Like falling down the rabbit hole and ending up in Alice's Wonderland.

--Sandee Wagner

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