Chunking Things

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Simple Life Meets Project Runway

The only reality show that I've gotten hooked on is Project Runway. The Great Race left me in the dust, Dancing with the Stars makes me yawn and I can't work up any enthusiasm for American Idol. But when you get a bunch of emotional designers into a room and make them all sew haute couture, then that's worth watching.

So, last night, I videochatted up my good friend as we both watched Project Runway together. When she lived in town, she always came over on Thursday nights and we watched it together. When she moved to the East Coast, we decided that technology meant we didn't have to forgo the tradition.

I have given a lot of thought to why I love this show. I'm pretty sure that it's because it's a creative process. It's all about the fashions. I'm not a fashionista. I don't know what's in and what's not. But I do make clothing. I know how hard it is to draw a pattern and make a garment. The fact that they do what they do in such a short time period is stunning to me.

Last season, the one hour Project Runway show was followed by a half hour Models of the Runway show. If you can imagine skinny, pretty girls carping about their lot in life while they live in LA or NYC, then you can see why that show didn't make it. Who cares about the hangars the clothing comes on?

This season, they extended Project Runway to a 90 minute show. So my friend and I spent the same amount of time online, but it was all the runway drama. Very fun. During one commercial break, I noticed that two previous contestants who finaled in their season had a show on. I stayed tuned for On the Road with Austin & Santino (

All I can say is wow. This really flashed me back to Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie doing "The Simple Life". Two people who don't belong are dropped into some community where they stick out like a sore thumb. In the case of the Simple Life, they did stupid things and spoke inanely. In the case of On The Road, they make a fabulous dress for some local chick out of only the fabric and notions locally available.

And there you have it. My fascination.

You see, when they are able to make a fabulous creation out of the lovely stuff available at Mood, I'm not surprised. Mood is like Mecca for a cloth lover or seamstress.

When they can make fashion out of the fabric available in a small town variety store... now that's talent. Last night, Austin and Santino made a party dress for a cowgirl in Weatherford, TX. I've been to Weatherford and I've known cowgirls like that. What those two crazy designers did for that little lady was amazing. And they did it with crap from the boot and bridle store and the local drug store. Really.

The juxtaposition of these crazy gay/straight designers and cowboy society was so interesting. They treated it like a fascinating gift--or another dimension. And they were gracious and kind, not stupid. So when I say it's like The Simple Life, I mean in the 'fish out of water' way, not in the Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie dumb way.

As always, these two designers understand how to make a woman look lovely in a dress. They both get a woman's form and how to maximize the good parts and minimize the flaws. They could not have picked a more interesting duo for this show. Both of these characters were full of drama and sass in their seasons on PR. Now, seeing them with their own venue is fun. I can't wait to see where all they end up.

--Sandee Wagner

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