Chunking Things

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Menu Typos

My BFF and I went out to breakfast this morning. We went to a local diner and had a great meal. While perusing the menu, she pointed to an item as if she was interested. I looked at it, it said, "Big Can Omelet".

This egg dish indicated it had ham, cheese, onions, peppers and other vegetables in it. I thought what gives it 'can'? None of the ingredients appeared to be out of cans.

BFF leaned over and said, "I think it's a typo". I had to lay my hands on a keyboard to see how it was possible to place a C where a M belonged. Wrong hand typing.

Typos are everywhere. In almost every book I read, I find a typo. Usually it's a word that has a different meaning, but it's spelled correctly. So, spell check doesn't catch it, because it's the wrong word for that sentence.

We started talking about the most egregious typos we'd ever seen in print. BFF found the original Lori Copeland book with 'sausage' instead of 'savage'. We laughed and laughed over that one. Since we all see 'their, they're and theres' done wrong and 'to, too and twos' inappropriately applied, this takes on new meaning.

What is the worst typo you ever found in print? It's probably best to skip the typos from foreign languages trying to put English on their commercial packaging or signage, there's a whole website devoted to that:

What I want to know is what is the worst typo you've seen and in what format was it visible??

--Sandee Wagner


Marilyn said...

Funniest typo I can think of: a missing k in "peeked". Left the sentence saying, "He peeed around the door."

A common one: "he poured over the map". Poured what? I always want to ask.

Another one: a historical where the heroine was undressing and "unhooked her boob, setting it aside."

Read a book where the jock hero had a team pendant hanging on the wall. That book was full of words that were close but not right. I laughed out loud over every one.

Emmylee said...

My favorite was a resume/application that said "pubic" instead of "public"

And before I left the auto parts store, we had an application that did not have a single work spelled correctly, AND the guy claimed to have a 3.8 GPA...

Emmylee said...

tee-hee... *word, not work!

Unknown said...


I love those!! So fun. The 'peed' has got to be a classic. And 'unhooked her boob'? What do you think it was supposed to be?

Unknown said...


Get out! That is something that would have made me shoot tea out of my nose!!

Plus, single 'work' spelled correctly? Come on, I taught you better than that.

Unknown said...


HA!! Caught you! spw

Marilyn said...

Sandee,on the unhooking of the boob, she was actually taking off her boots.

Hey, if I'd known I could unhook these chi-chis and set them aside, I would've done it years ago.

Unknown said...


Holy cow! Boots? I guess context is everything. You're right about being able to remove 'em, might be very convenient. spw

The_Editor said...


I thoroughly enjoyed reading your Menu Typos blog and believe me, I FEEL your pain. When I was living in Chicago, my sister Glennis and I ate out a lot. We frequently found a menu typo and would enjoy a good laugh.

The ones cited above are hilarious. My husband rarely hears my belly-laugh except when Jay Leno is reading Headlines on Monday nights. From downstairs he shouted, "I love hearing you laugh." Like most of those who commented, my favorite was the one about the unexplained and undefined unhooked boob.

I supposed the complexion of your blog will change once you've been in Tunis for awhile. (Sigh)