Chunking Things

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Routine and the Life of a Child

My grandbabies are the best. Really. They are gorgeous, smart and fun to be around. This weekend, we are babysitting two of them so my son and his wife can enjoy a little adult weekend together. It's been a riot.

These kids have very ordered lives. They follow a routine and are very well behaved. Until you mess with their program. Last night, I put the darlings to bed. At night, they take baths, get in their pajamas, read a book together, sing "You are My Sunshine" and then hugs and kisses goodnight. How could I screw that up?

Oh, but I did.

I'm not a great singer. I don't go to Karoke Bars and subject people to my tone deafness, but I can sing that song. I even know the second verse. Who knew that it would freak out the kids?

Apparently, Mom & Dad just sing the one verse and then tuck everyone in. When I started singing the second verse, my grandson ejected out of my lap and tried to clap his hands across my mouth. Then started the tears and hysterics. I have to admit, it just made me laugh. But he was really upset.

Mom & Dad don't sing it that way at all.

Once I got my grandson calmed down, I had to read him another book to make up for my faux pas. Finally, got him settled and put to bed. Then I went out into the living room and admitted my mistake to DH. His only comment, "I didn't know there was a second verse to that song."

So, tonight my husband gets to read to them and sing the song. I'm not sure I could hold myself back from belting out the second verse again. I'd want to teach them the words...if I could get them calmed down enough to do so.

--Sandee Wagner


Susan said...

There's a second verse?
Don't leave us hanging Sandee. What's the second verse???

Emmylee said...

So how did Grumpy do?

Unknown said...


It goes "the other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms. When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken, so I laid down my head and cried."

Not that great a tune for a kid, I know. And I might be wrong, that's just how I remember hearing my family sing it. spw

Unknown said...


Grumpy faded. We kept them up too late, skipped baths, skipped books and songs and stuck them in bed. They dropped like rocks. This morning, they both woke up with smiles!! spw

Zack and Kimmee said...

You'll be happy to know, since the melt-down, we've exposed ZJ to verse 2 each night. No melt-downs on our end, lol, just ZJ singing each word a syllable after you because he really wants to sing along, but doesn't know the words. =)

Unknown said...


I am glad to hear that you're singing the second verse to him... it's a short song. There's no reason not to sing the whole thing. I have to admit, I never expected the trauma that would result. spw