Chunking Things

Sunday, September 5, 2010

So Many Chores, So Little Time

So, the clock is actually clicking now. We have a pack out date and we're definitely moving. We had the realtor over to fill out paperwork so the house can be listed and sold. The most amazing part of this transaction: All the things we thought we had to do? He told us not to bother doing.

My to-do list got shorter instead of longer. Does that ever happen on "Designed to Sell"?

Seems like there's a clause in the contract that says the seller builds in some random amount for repairs. According to the realtor, you need to leave some things undone for the inspector to find. Let them spend some of that allowance for the repairs. Really? I guess I hadn't thought about it, but it's a way to allow buyers to make sure the repairs are to THEIR satisfaction.

Buying and selling property is all a mind game. It's such a personal thing. Some people won't buy a house if the Feng Shui is off. If there's a street pointing at your front door (so a car could t-bone you by running a stop sign), you'll lose buyers who worry about that sort of thing.

I have to like the way a property 'flows'. I'm not sure I can quantify it, but when I walk around a house or apartment, I can tell you almost immediately if I'd be able to live in it or not. Something about the floor plan can be okay or completely off. There's no in between for me. I pity the realtor who has to show me around. Even with years to consider it, I can't really narrate what I'm specifically looking for.

I'm hoping my house will appeal to someone. I'd like to get it sold and then quit worrying about it. Get on with the next phase of my life.

We still have some stuff we need to get rid of. It cannot go overseas with us. We need to dust the big weight machine off, take pictures and post it on Craig's List. Kind of a 'free to good home' advertisement. Or donate it to the Boy's Club, or something.

We have a load of stuff to take to our son up north, and another load of stuff to deliver to DH's sister in Texas. We'll be on the road these next few weeks, trying to get all the last minute stuff delivered.

I still have so many questions. Will my Sirius Satellite Radio work in North Africa? How is my car insurance going to be impacted by parking a car for a couple of years? Can I download maps for North Africa and Europe for my Garmin? Will they pack up my canned goods and dry goods? Inquiring minds want to know.

As I mark off my tasks, one by one, I'm hoping I not only get a sense of accomplishment, but that I manage to shake some of the stress that's beginning to plague me. My hair is falling out and I'm not sleeping well. I need for this to be over.

And it will be. In a few short weeks. Whether I'm ready or not.

--Sandee Wagner


Unknown said...

Yup. It's a 'big 'un'. Let me see if I can describe it... it's 10 or 12 years old, but it's been indoors, so the metal and vinyl are fine. It's one of those 4 station gyms. It's all pulleys and has two weight stacks that go up to 400 lbs. It hasn't been used in years and is FREE to the first person who wants to come disassemble it and carry it away.

Unknown said...

Call your insurance co. and go to a "theft only" type plan. And you'll probably be able to buy a Garmin there with the local maps cheaper than buying maps for an exisiting GPS.

As for the non-perishables, I got nothing. Worst case, you know a good food bank nearby!

Unknown said...


Emm asked this question, "if my house burns down and your Mustang goes with it, does my homeowners cover it or does your auto insurance?" That's the kind of coverage I think we need. I'll call the company and make sure it's still covered for whatever.

The food bank only accepts unopened food items. So Em & Craig can look forward to a drop of all the things the packers wouldn't pack!!

I was wondering if it was cheaper to buy a new GPS than to download maps for the current one. Another question to find an answer for... spw

Emmylee said...

No complaints from me on the Garmin option ;-) Although I do hope you can make things work with the one you've got!

Unknown said...

And, an update on the Garmin maps. It costs more per country to download new maps than we paid for the device. So, we won't be buying maps. We'll get a new one over there. spw

LadyPatsFan said...

Too bad it's a weight machine, not a treadmill or elliptical machine. Our high school is looking for exercise machines to start a new "Activity Based Learning Lab" class, where the students will do some moderate exercise prior to their reading class. The idea being that you get the blood flowing to your brain and you learn better, faster, stronger.

Good luck on your new adventure!

Unknown said...


I do have a treadmill, but I'm actually going to take it with me... unless I'm close on my weight limit! I think that's a great idea though, get the kids blood pumping right before they try to learn! I hope the school is very successful. spw