Chunking Things

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Yet another show that I can't seem to take my eyes off.  MonsterQuest on the History channel has some kind of marathon going.  I've seen a show on Cattle Mutilations where they went back to reports from the 70's.  Some ranchers are convinced it's aliens or Satan worshipers doing some kind of ritual sacrifice.  Regardless, the forensics experts found some interesting clues on those attacks that can't be attributed to predators.  They've found some sterilized soil around the carcasses, where grass won't grow for years after the dead animal is gone.  One investigator is guessing that the deaths are lightening strikes. 

Who doesn't remember the movie Sneakers, where Mother (played by Dan Akroyd), the resident conspiracy theorist, announces that "cattle mutilations are up"?  Although the odd happening hits the news, I guess I always thought it was like the crop circles--some kind of hoax that would be debunked.  Apparently not.  There are still random acts of cattle, horse and large animal deaths that cannot be traced to known predators.  And there are people who are making a living researching the incidents.

Next, MonsterQuest went to Florida looking for a sea monster.  It's pretty interesting.  Some guys got video tape of something that's not a manatee or a gator... makes you wonder what it is.

I love a story where someone with a passion is looking for the unknown.  It's a big world out there.  I'd rather believe that we don't know all the things it has in store.

--Sandee Wagner


Emmylee said...

I usually get a kick out of that show!! I've seen a few episodes though (or maybe just a similar premise) that were disappointing. I watched one about the Loch Ness monster and it seemed like *right* when they were about to find something conclusive, they had to leave and the show ended...

Unknown said...

Well, they never find the monster, Em. That would kind of ruin the 'quest' part of the show I'm thinking. What always wins me over is the number of real scientists they engage in the hunt. Pretty interesting. spw