Chunking Things

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Baby Proof? I don't think so...

My grand kids are coming to visit this week.  My son, his wife and their two children will be staying with us for a few days.  The kids are 2 years old, and 8 mos old. 

When I realized that a crawler would be coming into my house, I started looking at my floors.  And my cabinets.  And everything that's accessible to a toddler.  I've scrubbed all the floors and cleaned the carpets.  It won't last long, I do have dogs, but it's starting out in good shape.

My house is not baby proof.  Not even a little.  I can guarantee that all the meds are up high, but I'm pretty sure I have cleaning agents under every sink.

I remember the days of cabinet locks, door knob covers and hooks up high.  My kids were ingenious.  I could hand a childproof medicine cap to my oldest son at 18 mos and he could open it up for me.  He figured out how to pop the drawer locks and I spent more time putting the springs back into the plastic brackets than he did busting them out.

To a certain extent, I think that childproofing your home is a must when you have small children around all the time.  But for sporadic visits, I wonder how far to go?  Should I put up all the breakables?  Should I collect up the cleaning products and shelve them higher?  Yes.  But we should also just keep an eye on the kids.

When you've got them outnumbered two to one, you ought to be able to keep them out of trouble, right?  Here's hoping.

--Sandee Wagner

1 comment:

The Sue in You said...

I always knew you were a dreamer. You just proved it. LOL