Chunking Things

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Politics on Facebook

Yes, I use Facebook. I've tried other social networking sites, but it's the one that I have the best luck with. I get frustrated when they change or move things. I hate the fact that every time they decide to release my private information to some business partner, they default to everyone 'opts in' and I have to opt out. But overall, it works for me.

Except for one thing. Politics.

I understand that people feel compelled to put the "I support our troops" banners up and 'like' all the pages that they believe in. I also understand that Fb offers people a unique way to spread their views. But I don't always agree with your views. Even if you're my friend.

Can we all agree to disagree? Can we decide not to post a diatribe on the latest [fill in political party here] politician that said something or did something stupid?

I know a guy who is engaging, interesting and a talented artist. I've always enjoyed his point of view and seeing his posted art pictures and descriptions. Last week, I hid his profile from my news feed. Not because I don't love him or cherish him as a friend, but because his political posts were making my blood pressure rise.

So, we are on the opposite end of the political spectrum. Since I know this guy, that was not a surprise to me. What I found out was that his relentless drum pounding and exhortations in the way of posts made my head hurt. So now I don't see any of his art or his fun thoughts on life and family. All because politics spoiled it for me.

Can we treat Facebook like the dinner table? No talk of sex, politics or religion? I'd like that.

--Sandee Wagner


Emmylee said...

I completely agree!! I don't many strong political views, but I still don't want to be bombarded by other people's views...

Unknown said...


I KNOW! I'm happy that other people have different views. I think that's what makes our country strong, but I sure get tired of the diatribes. I truly do. spw

susan shay said...

Aw, Man! Thank you for expressing what I've thought for some time.
I follow a couple of authors who are both very political. On opposite ends of the spectrum.
They make me nuts!!!
I'm so glad when they forget the 'ticks and stick to selling their books. At least I expect that.

Unknown said...


Seems like the authors would AVOID the politics when they are using social networking to hustle their wares... I certainly would. Even if you think all your readers think like you--you're wrong. spw